
Geek Hits London: Day 6 of placement

Happy Tuesday. Today was a better day, despite being whacked in the chest with a giant metal rail being held by complete moron.
I went in, scared out of my knickers. I went along to my boss, plan of action in hand and with my tail between my legs, in such words, asked if I can have some dates in the diary for some buyers meetings, development meetings, anything-of-any-substance meetings etc.
However, I get the feeling I'm in for much of the same admin stuff, although she did tell me that I'd be involved in some more relevant stuff. I did ask the director (ooh) if I could come with him to a river island meeting. Yes! He seems v nice.
I feel so much better putting myself out there, I'm always better when I have a plan. I like things out in the open.
Speaking of which, guess who was FAR too out in the open? With normal civilians? THE Janice Dickinson. Speaking rather obnoxiously on her 'cell'. Just call me 'Herez Hilton'.

Here's a pic of the tres scary Arcadia Group HQ. The calls to that clapper thing.

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