
Cheap Week...

Hello there!!
Since coming back from New York last week (#didImentionthatIwenttoNewYork???) I have decided to take a leaf out of my old student handbook and save some pennies on all the clobber I buy every week! Please note this is probably so I can save for another trip to the Big Apple and fill my wardrobe with lovlies. For anyone that knows me, I know you're already having doubts...

But I'm trying...


I had this old horseshoe blouse from Primark and decided to jazz it up with some of these cool chunky military buttons. Not exactly rocket science either. I'm happy with it - something great for me - that weird person that never throws anything away. Even that unused dried out pen in the drawer. You just never know...

Charity Shop Scouring.

Here's my favorite new cardigan! I say 'new' I got it whilst hitting the charity shops with my friend Jess. It's very cute and snug and looks great with black jeans and pumps! It's bringing out the old lady in me though - must have been it's previous owner!

Good Old-Fashioned Primark.
Ok so I'm sort of cheating on this one, but Primark has brought me some vintage looking accessories into my life this week.
My Jubilee Ring
My new lacy headband
I don't know about you but I'm excited about giving things a new life! What do you guys think? Nothing nicer that a new outfit, or looking to get creative?