
Toiles and Tribulations.........:(

OMG how many toiles can a gal do??
Well, i have only done one, but its not exactly right so I must made the whole thing AGAIN?!
But I promise not to cock it up on the real thing, I swear!

Ah well... needs must after all :/

On a good note, I've handed in my Lectra folder and am still improving on Illustrator.

Oh and did I mention.....I'm hoping to book my second placement with..oh...only TESCO!!!! Fingers crossed! I'm going to ask Jo to give my CV and gander - all about who you know eh ;)

Keep you updated bloggers, promise!


Illustrator Shmillistrator!

Pah! Who needs Jamie's help anyway??

Well, actually, me the majority of the time, but anyway, I'm posting to say that I am vastly improving!!!!

Today I have created two of my accessories and my final design for my outfitting project.

So really I've just come on her to boast about my cool new skills!



Jersey Royal <3


I am very happy to announce to everyone that will listen that i have just finished my jersey t-shirt and I am very proud at my outcome!I have been sticking to a very strict time plan at the moment. I've tried to push with my Lectra and jersey project, whilst planning my toile for CDF.

And I can report, so far so good!I struggled with the Kansia Machine (dun dun duuuuuun) and I had to unpick but beauty equals pain and all that!!
However, i feel that it wouldn't be right if my new post didn't have one low point/attack of paranoia.

The rib detailing on my neckline is towards the right seam instead f the left. I am ridiculously annoyed about this and I'm hoping that it won't muck up my whole t-shirt. But if it has to be altered....c'est la vie! :(

A picture is on its way, promise!

>>>>In other news, a successful trip to London (Berwick St)meant that the fabric sourcing for my 'cool new trainers dress' is done and dusted. I even managed to get through the whole day in the big smoke without an argument with someone on the tube! Score!