
Denim Deeeelight

Spent my Saturday afternoon sewing. Yeah that's right. I even branched out to 7pm. Whilst I was feeling so uncool, I was looking at a jacket that looked like this...

And by the time I was done....I felt slightly less uncool. Here it is anyway.

Embellishments and jewel details really are everywhere on the high street at the moment so have a go and see if you can be even more lame....I mean...creative with your Saturday night!


Molly's Den. My new favourite den.

Me being the oldest 22 year old in history, had a field day yesterday at my hometown's latest attraction! Molly's Den is a huge warehouse in Dorset FULL to the brim of vintage clothing, jewellery, accessories, furniture and antiques! I was in heaven! Here's some of the cheeky pictures;

A really amazing place! Every little nik-nack had a piece of history behind it! Definitely worth a look if you're in the area! My next post will show you my many many purchases!! Take a look at the website here.