
Zsa Zsa Tah Dah

Been a while on the old blog front. But I've been a very busy bee!
In my absence I've managed to land myself my dream job!!! I am now a Buyers Assistant for New Look! So I have moved up to the Big Smoke and is an actual Londoner now. Exciting stuff!

I came home this weekend and had an amazing shopping trip with my mate Jess in Westbourne, Bournemouth. Theres a tonne of charity and vintage shops which are amazing, but nestled in between is the coolest boutique Zsa Zsa.
They've got some beautiful clobber, jewellery and AMAZING shoes. Lots of studs and lots of skulls - my favourite things!

Here's how I spend my hard earned London pennies...

Black Velvet Spike Flats £30

If anyone stands on my babies on the tube, I will kill them!!!

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