I am one lucky fashionista.
I spent a few days in New York to celebrate my no longer being a student and all (freeeaking out)
and might I tell you, one day my posts may be coming from the Big Apple. Sure, it's probably what every fashion graduate wants to do with her life, but I can see why.
Anyway I'll skip to the best bit...my snaps. Please bare with me, I realise these probably look the same as yours and your friends' New York photos, but deal with it, I'm happy!

My grand bed!

Some cool stools.
Me & Elmo
Time Square @ night

Empire State 102nd floor (I might add that the entire floor sang me Happy Birthday! It was not my birthday)

Just a cool picture

Central Park -didn't find a Perk :(

The non-tourist

Mr Bubble?

Plain White Tee's playing at 8am?

New kicks.

Top of the Rock

Let's Go Mets!

World Trade Centre Site

Grand Central Station
It's been very hard to not upload all of my photos, but these are my faves. Am now recovering from the most intense shopping trip of my life!
So there we are, I also got two UBER cute tops from Material Girl in Macy's which i'll show you when I'm looking less bleurgh. That Lourdes has some, like, style.