I have been really really REALLY looking forward to writing this post...

On Thursday I went to see Katy Perry on her California Dreams tour in Bournemouth.
3pm- Call Izzy and ask her what she is going to wear. In this conversation, Izzle asks me to text 'Katy' to random number to be in with a chance of meeting Katy (yeah, right)
3.30pm-Shower, progress to get ready, obsess over outfit...phone rings....
>Hello this is (someone) from EMI productions do you have any idea why I'm calling you?
Me: Yeah, Yeah, I'm fucking going to meet Katy Perry arn't I? (Sarcasm is the best greeting)
>Yes, you fucking are! Congratulations you have won the competition on Facebook and will be meeting Katy before the show!
Me: AAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!! (plus more inaudible shreaks and obsenities)
>Hayleigh, can you get to the BIC at 5.30 pm?
4pm- Call Izzy. She thinks I'm April Fooling her.
4.03- Izzy texts to confirm I am telling the truth and we arrange to meet outside the BIC.
4.30- Start to feel nauseous in the car, so we pull over to get a Dr Pepper.
5pm- Izzy meets me at the BIC and applies more glitter to my face and hers.
5.30pm- Meet loveeeeeely Gillian from EMI and she gives us our meet and greet passes!
6.00pm- We get drunk to prepare settle our nerves (4 shots and 2 jugs of cocktails)
7.15pm- Proceed to drink before entering the show!
The show, by the way was magical. Throughout there was some short films influenced by a surreal Willy Wonka/Dorothy esque vibe of Katy exploring a parrallel universe of sweets and cakes, escaping her life working in a butchers and ultimately getting to go to the ball with the Bakery Boy! Completely normal.
She rocked a diffrent outfit for every song, including a maaasive peacock tail and a cupcake dress! Plenty of glitter, sadly didn't get any decent pics as I was far too busy partaying.
The show, like the California Gurls video was inspired greatly by artist Will Cotten (look it up)

Will Cotten

KP album cover
11pm- Show ends and we scoop up the confetti! We meet the EMI lady and wait....and wait....
11.40pm-Katy's sister, who looks uncannily similar to Katy, comes and gets us and takes us backstage!
We entered this amazing room with giant sweets and gummy bears and Kitty Perry there for a cuddle. He gave us LOTS of sweets!

The signed CD for Kim.

The meet and greet pass!
11.50pm- We meet Katy. She walks in and the room is silent.
OK, I know I should remember it for the rest of my life. But it's all a blur, a surreal candy-enduced blur.
She was very nice I know that! She put her arms around us and told us she was feeling sick all week! (Speculate about her pregnancy if you will)
She also told us that Bournemouth was very cute and felt like Santa Barbra, this is very doubtful, looking out of my window this morning. She seemed genuinely happy to be meeting us and thanked us for coming out and everything! DW Katy the pleasure was all ours!
As you can see from my pictures she also signed my CD for my friend who couldn't make it :(
12pm- End of the most unreal night ever!
P.S. As you can see from the title picture, I look very dorky and goofy, but for anyone that does like my playsuit, its from H&M and my tooth necklace from Topshop. Katy seemed to like it!