
Brrrrrr.......tutorials! :S

When we were given the project to think of our own philosophy, like the Shakers, I assumed it would be easy. Virtually a chance to play with what you believe in.
But I found the whole task quite strange. It was difficult to settle on a logical, beautiful philosophy.
After a thought process (which took longer than planned)I came up with the idea of comfort.

'You can only truly feel beautiful, when you are comfortable'.

I tried so hard with the project. I wanted it to be completely professional, much like the work I'd seen in the group critique.

Today was the tutorials with Sarah Lees and Sarah James.
I expained to them about my initaial problems with the philosophy and they commended me for questions and hard work.
From their advice I confidently know what i need to do to improve my work for January. I want to research more and more to get a more rounded view of my own philosophy.
This day, Monday 8th December, was the most beneficial days for my design work. I know what I need to do to improve.

See wasn't so bad after all eh??